Wednesday, December 1

Chapter 15

As they walked away down the street to see Mrs. Denton, Todd and Cinnamon laughed over the absurdity of her being a witch. “Did you see those deputies, Todd? They acted as if I could hex them with just a glance.”

Todd laughed, “Can you? The sheriff thinks you’ve bewitched me.” Todd was pleased to see a blush touch her cheeks. “Hey did you see that fat deputy who almost walked into a tree while trying to eavesdrop on you and Sheriff Eckle? Roman Ouellette pisses me off. He started the witch-hunt. Why does that asshole have it in for you and your mom, Cinnamon?”

“When we first moved beside him, he propositioned mom a few times. She told him off in front of his poker friends, embarrassing him as only Mother can. Since then he’s been obsequious with his arrogance, going out of his way to harass us. Mother says to ignore him, so I do my best too. We had the high fence put up between our house and his so he wouldn’t peep at us over the hedge. He’s partly the reason Mother had Little Joe on the back porch. I wonder who stole him.” Cinnamon continued before Todd could comment, though he didn’t mind her musing aloud. He loved being with her. “I bet it was Roman Ouellette, trying to stir up trouble for us.”

He took her hand on impulse. It was warm and soft, fitting in his as if it were meant to live there. He reassured her. “Everyone knows he’s a trouble-maker. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be your body guard.”

She squeezed his hand. “Thank you. I think Sheriff Eckle is an honorable man. It will be interesting to watch the exchange of wits between him and Mother. She won’t be happy to know that Little Joe was kidnapped. I hope she doesn’t go into her hippy performance. She enjoys the fact that people tend to stereotype her. Ah, we’re here.”

The walk to Mrs. Denton’s house went quickly. They ran the front doorbell but got no answer. Todd said, “I bet she’s in the back of the house. I think her hearing isn’t so good. Let’s go around to the back door and try it.”

Both were surprised to see it slightly open. It was a warm day but a spring breeze blew causing the air to be nippy. Todd pushed it open, calling out “Hello, Mrs. Denton. It’s Todd Roberts and Cinnamon Lambert. We came by to make sure you’re doing okay.” He got no answer. He and Cinnamon exchanged a look.

“She has to be here, Todd.” Cinnamon walked into the kitchen. A second later she screamed, turning to Todd and burying her face into his shirt. Over her head he saw Mrs. Denton on the floor with a stream of blood around her. He pulled Cinnamon outside onto the porch and called 911 with his cell phone.

The police and ambulance arrived promptly but there was little that could be done for Mrs. Denton. She was struck several times on the head. Whoever did it, made sure the job was done thoroughly. Deputy Ward, the fat deputy who Todd referred to earlier waited outside with him and Cinnamon. He kept a good distance from them, watching Cinnamon cry as if she were a novelty act. Todd did what he could to comfort her. He was in a state-of-shock himself, wondering who could be so brutal to an old lady. He prayed that they hadn’t disturbed any evidence. Things didn’t look good for Cinnamon. He could see how the police might suspect she had something to do with the chain of events. But he had been with her all afternoon. She was at the McHenry house when Mrs. Denton was driven home earlier. And she hadn’t left his sight.

When the sheriff arrived, Todd noticed how Cinnamon clung to him, as if he were her father. In her anguish, her trust for him showed and Todd hoped that the sheriff took note of it. It pained Todd to see her so distraught. The sheriff was right. She was his girl. Todd watched how delicately he dealt with Cinnamon. When he told Todd to get her home, Todd wasted no time. Once there, he held her hand as she fell asleep on the couch, waiting for her mom while the deputy made himself at home in the kitchen reading an astrology magazine that had been left on the table. Todd held her hand and watched her sleep, thinking how angels must be jealous of her beauty.


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