Wednesday, November 24

Chapter 12

The coppery smell of blood assaulted their noses, as the sheriff and the crime lab guys walked into Mrs. Denton’s kitchen. She lay on the floor between the stove and the table, in a puddle of blood originating from her head. Her cane lay on the table, its ivory handle now as red as a ruby. Blood stained the white linen tablecloth. An array of muffins was arranged with care on a platter. Under the muffins was a lace doily, which reminded the Sheriff of how delicate and lady like Mrs. Denton had been. Scattered on the floor close to her was the broken remains of a teacup and saucer. On the stove, a kettle screamed. One of the deputies lifted it off the burner. In the silence, sobbing sounded from far away.

“Who found her?” The sheriff had his suspicions.

Dwayne Gilford, one of the older deputies answered. “Todd Roberts called it in. The witch’s daughter was with him. He said they didn’t go beyond the doorway. The girl’s hysterical.”

“Gilford, do not address Miss Lambert or her mother as witches, ever again. Even if they are, there’s no law against it. We’re to keep an open neutral mind. I’m talking to all of you. Is that clear?”

“Sorry Chief.” Gilford and the others muttered, looking uncomfortable with the chastising.

“Where’s Miss Lambert?”

“She’s in the garden with Todd and Ward. Figured it was best for them to wait out there, Chief. Its not a pretty picture in here and the girl is upset over it.”

Eckle’s voice dripped sarcasm. “Well, its nice to see you used your brain, Gilford.” To Hunter he said, “Help these guys out if they need it. I’m going to talk to the kids.”

He followed the sound of tears. It unnerved him a little, the fact that the stoic faced girl lost her composure. Her sobs echoed and Eckle felt he would hear them in his sleep tonight—if he managed to get any. When she saw him, Cinnamon threw herself in his arms. He comforted her as best as he could, never having much experience with children, he felt clumsy. When she finally calmed down, he held her hand as Todd spoke first in a shaky voice.

“The backdoor was cracked open when we got here. So I called out to her and there was no answer. We could hear the kettle on the stove, and figured she couldn’t hear our greeting. I went in first and Cinnamon followed. I saw the broken teacup on the floor and thought at first that she had fallen. Then Cinnamon screamed. That’s when I noticed the blood. We ran out. I was afraid whoever did it might be around. Cinnamon wanted to go back in but I told her that would be a bad idea. Sheriff, I could tell from all the blood that she was beyond help.”

“Is that what happened, Miss Lambert? Can you add anything?” As Todd talked, she had painfully squeezed Eckle’s hand.

“Red candles. There were read candles lit.” She began to cry once again. He dismantled himself from her and motioned for Todd to take her.

“Take your girl home. Get her to lie down for a while. See if you can find her mom. I’ll be over as soon as we’re done here.”

“Yes sir. Come on, Cinnamon. Let’s get you home.” His girl! The Sheriff called that one.
She called to the sheriff as he walked away. “Mrs. Denton didn’t get many visitors, but I did notice that she had another teacup and saucer on the table, sir. I think her nephew comes by once a week. But it’s usually in the morning. He doesn’t stay very long either.”

“Good girl. Sharp eyes. Now get on home.” On impulse he told Deputy Ward to accompany them. With a killer loose, he didn’t want to take any chances.

WC 7596


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