Tuesday, November 23

Chapter 10

So intent on showing the lab guys the rag doll that was found under the porch, at first Sheriff Eckle didn’t notice the crowd’s disturbance. But when he realized the girl was in danger, a string snapped in his usual calm demeanor. He meant every word he said. If he had to arrest the whole town he would without blinking his eyes. With the girl safely behind him, he watched the crowd reluctantly drift away. Once he felt the danger was over the turned to question her.

“Miss Lambert, may I ask why you crossed the police line and almost instigated a riot?”

She dropped down beside Delbert who was examining the rag doll Mrs. Denton found earlier. “Because you have Little Joe. Mother will be upset when she finds out he’s not on the back porch.” In a sharp tone to Delbert she said, “Don’t poke him. He’s very old and his fabric is delicate. Why does he smell like rosemary?”

“Ah, that’s the herb. I’ve been trying to place it,” said Delbert.

Sheriff Eckle exchanged looks with Hunter. Maybe Deputy Ward’s rumors had some truth to them. “Miss, would you care to elaborate? How is this rag doll related to you? And how did it get here? I am beginning to believe that you know more about this situation than you are admitting.”

“I have no idea how he got here, Sir. He’s been in the family since before I was born. My Grandmother Willow made him for my mother when she was a little girl. To keep out trespassers, we seat him in a chair on the back porch, so it looks as if someone is watching. You wouldn’t believe the quantity of people who slink into our backyard to spy on us.” With swiftness, Cinnamon stood up and took a few steps back, “How did red wax get on his pants?”

“Why don’t you tell us?” Her answers seemed too concise. Sheriff Eckle had his doubts. Maybe he shouldn’t look her in the eyes.

“Sir, we do not use red candles in our house. My mother is adamant about it.” Her voice shook as she spoke. It was clearly noticeable that she was upset. She felt Todd’s comforting hand on her arm. She leaned against him to gather some of his strength. Seeing the red wax dried on Little Joe’s pants set off a warning inside her. If they knew her mother, all of them would be worried too.

Sheriff Eckle motioned for Hunter to take the lab guys to the other scene, while he questioned Miss Lambert. He was trying to remain neutral regarding her and any involvement she might have with whatever went on inside. From Hunter’s expression, the Sheriff knew he was ready to brand her a witch.

“Let’s have a seat on the porch steps, Miss Lambert. You’re pale.” She hesitated, looking at the boy as if for direction. “It’s okay if your boyfriend comes along. I just want to get to the bottom of all this.”

Once they were settled comfortably on the steps, Sheriff Eckle decided he would be direct with her. She was the type who didn’t mince words. So he wouldn’t mince his either. “Miss Lambert, do you know Mrs. Denton who lives on the corner?”

“Yes Sir. She’s a sweet lady. When we moved in, she brought over a chicken casserole. Mother visits her once a month. She believes we shouldn’t ignore our elderly because they hold the keys to our past.”

“Your mother is correct. We shouldn’t ignore them, but at times we do. Well, she was harassed today by some punks on skateboards. She fell in the front lawn of this house and saw your rag doll stuffed under the porch.”

“Oh no, did she get hurt?”

“No she’s fine. She believed it was a person and called for help. A neighbor called us and an ambulance to the scene. We soon realized it was a doll, but Deputy Hunter found something inside that looks like witchcraft. That’s what the crime lab is now investigating.”

“Witchcraft? In this town? You can’t be serious.” Cinnamon couldn’t help but laugh. “How absurd! Everyone is so Baptist!”

“I’m very serious, Miss Lambert. You should be too. Your Little Joe ties you to the scene. And that my dear young lady is no laughing matter.”



At November 24, 2004 at 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last.... great read... like the humour and the sexual bantering between the techies...



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