Thursday, November 25

Chapter 13

For the second time that day, yellow tape isolated another house from the curiosity of a nervous crowd. Darkness fell as the authorities worked on gathering evidence. When the coroner arrived, the crowd settled into silence only broken by an occasional whispered prayer. Mrs. Denton left her beloved home wearing a black bag. Her salon-tinted hair blue now matted with blood and her favorite sweater also ruined were hidden from the curious eyes of the crowd. Something she would have been happy to know, because she never did like not looking her best.

Sheriff Eckle and Deputy Hunter huddled in a corner, quietly discussing the day’s event, while the other worker bees droned on with their duties. “Now who would want to kill Mrs. Denton, Sheriff?”

“Wish I knew Hunter. I can’t imagine her having many enemies. Hell, the kids teased her but none of them would kill her. Damn Hunter, whoever did kill her…they used over killed. The back of her head looked like mush.”

“I talked to the Deputy who drove her home. He said she was slightly upset, but mostly she was excited about her find. Her fifteen minutes of fame. When he helped her inside, he said the house seemed secure. Not that he thoroughly checked it. Hell, I wouldn’t have either. How were we to know she was in danger?”

“Could have been a spontaneous murder. One of opportunity. Mrs. Denton’s back was to the perpetrator. As close as the table is to the stove, I bet the cane was leaning against a chair. The perp picked it up and wham…then wham a few more times. Has anyone gotten in touch with her nephew? We need to find out if anything was stolen. This could still be a simple case of a burglary gone wrong.”

“We’re working on that now, Sheriff. But I don’t think we’ll find anything missing. It looks like she was entertaining someone.” Hunter’s voice dropped, “Do you think the Lambert girl has anything to do with this? I’m not saying she does.”

“No. I don’t think so. But I’m not closing that door yet. Not until I talk to her mother. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her. If she’s anything like the daughter, I may need to question her after three cups of coffee. That kid is all brains. Smartest woman I’ve ever met. If I were twenty years younger…”

“You’re out of luck, Sheriff. Todd Roberts is smitten with her. He’s a good kid, Sheriff. Brainy and brawny. Not the type to get mixed up with the wild crowd. Unless he’s bewitched.” Hunter’s expression reflected his inner turmoil—questions on top of questions.

“Do you think you can handle things here, Hunter? Make sure you stay on the young crime lab guy’s ass. He looks pissed off. Probably missed a hot date tonight. Have Gilford to post a man outside the McHenry house for the night. It may not be related to this crime, but I believe in covering all the bases. I want to go by the morgue and talk to the coroner. Then stop by the Lambert house. See if I can find out more about them. According to the girl, they were friendly with Mrs. Denton. As for Todd, see if you can do some probing tomorrow at the high school. I’m betting old Owl-Eyes’ theory about the scene over at the McHenry house being teen related is correct.”

“I’ll do that, Sheriff. Be careful over at that house.”

“Yea, maybe I shouldn’t look into their eyes. We both know Sheriff Brown wouldn’t.” Both men suppressed a smile that would have been inappropriate under the circumstances.



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