Monday, November 1

Chapter 2

Sheriff Eric Eckle sped down the road with sirens full blast. He was pissed that his late lunch was interrupted. It had been a day of bump-ups, break-ins and people complaining about boys on skateboards. The town was restless due to spring fever now that winter was gone. He had spent most of the morning over at the hardware store. Someone had kicked in the back door and stolen kerosene lamps, a bundle of rope, some spray paint and a few other odds and ends. The owner, August Carson wasn’t too happy to lose the lamps. They were one of his best sellers during the spring and summer. People loved to camp in the woods close to the lake.

The town had elected him sheriff a few years ago, when Sheriff Brown had decided to retire after fifty years of service. He had been very popular, known for his stern personality as a man to keep on the good side of. Every day that Sheriff Eckle spent on the job, he felt the weight of his predecessor’s reputation. It wasn’t an easy one to bear, especially in times like this. If he ever started a game show it would be called “What would Sheriff Brown do in this situation.”

When he arrived at 66 6th Street, he pulled into the drive, stopping inches short of the yellow crime scene tape. The old McHenry house had been vacant for most of the time for the last five years. No one lived in it for long, complaining of odd sounds in the night. When he was a deputy, he had spent many nights investigating noises at the house.

He surveyed the scene, noting that Mrs. Denton was sitting in the back of Deputy Smith’s cruiser. He was patiently taking her statement. From the flailing of her arms, Sheriff Eckle could tell it was theatrical. A small group of deputies and paramedics stood by the front of the house, looking down at something. As he ducked under the yellow tape, he heard another deputy telling the curious crowd to dispense.

“Well boys, what have we got?” He broke through the circle and bent down beside one of the paramedics, who was examining the body Mrs. Denton discovered.

“It’s a life size rag doll, Sheriff. It smells funny. As if it’s got some sort of herbs sewn into it. The red streaks on the pants look like dried wax.” He scraped at a small section and it crumbled off in waxy pecks.

“I bet this is a prank. Teens having fun with old lady Denton. They know she walks down this street every day. If she ignored them, they wouldn’t tease her.” Sheriff Eckle stood up. To one of the deputies he said, “Take it down to the crime lab. See what they can find out about it. Maybe they can figure out who made it.”

Someone shouted from the left side of the house, “Hey Sheriff, come look at this?” Deputy Hunter, one of the Sheriff’s favorites was standing at a window towards the back of the house. The window was opened about five inches, giving them a limited view of the floor below. Under the window were candles that had burnt down to the quick covering a bench. A familiar herbal smell radiated from the room. It was the same one the rag doll had. Partly visible on the floor was a portion of some design spray painted in black.

Sheriff Eckle didn’t wait for someone to remind him what the former Sheriff Brown would do. He barked out gruffly to the closest deputy. “Get the crime lab over here and for God’s sake don’t touch anything unless you have gloves on.”

(total word count 1253)


At November 1, 2004 at 7:33 PM, Blogger Peanut Road said...

Already an unexpected twist! You're off to a good start, kid.

At November 1, 2004 at 11:31 PM, Blogger Jo said...

Great beginnings... :) Waiting for the next chapter. You have me eager to read.

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